Experiments beyond the bounds! Britney Spears tried on a daring biкini with winter boots

Experiments beyond the bounds! Britney Spears tried on a daring biкini with winter boots

Lately, Britney’s social media has become a portal to the past. The singer clearly misses her time as a star and is trying to bring it back by wearing the most incredible outfits from the 2000s.

And if in Spears’ youth her fashion experiments delighted fans, now it’s quite the opposite.

Some fans are even worried about the singer’s health. Sometimes Britney clearly goes too far in her desire to look bright and stylish. She used to love to shock the public, but after her father was deprived of custody, she completely lost control over herself.

Jamie Spears, the singer’s parent, received the right to manage property and control Britney’s life back in 2008. Then the girl had big problems with addictions, and she disappeared all the time at parties.

Relatives wanted to help Spears return to normal life. But life under guardianship seemed like a prison to Britney.

More than 10 years later, in 2019, with the support of many celebrities and fans, Spears finally managed to free herself. However, it is now clear that her father did not restrict Britney’s freedom, but protected her from herself.

Now Spears is left to her own devices and regularly amazes fans with extravagant outfits and antics.

Recently, the girl shared another series of photos on social networks. In them, Britney poses in a swimsսit made of matte black leather.

She wore a leopard print cropped jumper over the top. But the most surprising thing is that the singer added massive winter boots to this summer look.

In recent months, this combination can often be seen on Britney. The singer clearly enjoys wearing a swimsսit instead of casual wear. Although subscribers still can’t get used to such an unusual combination

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Experiments beyond the bounds! Britney Spears tried on a daring biкini with winter boots
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