Albino twins of 11 years old shock the entire world. Here is what they are doing right now.

These types of models include the Bavar sisters.

They have already attained considerable notoriety at the age of 11.

The girls’ parents are black, and they reside in Brazil.

The girls were also born very differently from their parents.

They have fair skin, white hair, blue eyes, and blue eyes.

They are white. They were invited to the photo project as a result of this feature.

According to the photographer, the goal of his project is to “demonstrate beauty in all its forms for empowerment.”

Sheila, the family’s older daughter, is also of dark skin tone.

Sheila took part in a photo project with her sisters.

Girls have gained a lot of popularity.

They have already worked with companies like Bazaar Kids, Insanis, and Nike.

Lara and Mara take great pride in how they look and have never been lazy about it.

They are self-assured.

The sisters each have their own Instagram account, which has more than 6,000 subscribers and is continuously expanding.

The girls think that in addition to making sure that those who are affected by albinism are integrated into society, people need to spread as much information as they can about the condition.

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Albino twins of 11 years old shock the entire world. Here is what they are doing right now.
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