Julia is no longer the same. On vacation, an elderly Roberts was photographed wearing a bodysuit.

In any case, she’s stunning.

I ca n’t imagine the lovely lady is 54 years old! You can’t possibly give Julia more than 40. The paparazzi recently surprised Roberts fans with candid photos of the actress on her trip.

By the way, user reactions were mixed: some thought Julia had lost her earlier allure, while dedicated followers of Roberts lavished her with glowing comments.


“You look stunning”, “She is attractive in whatever shape”, “I didn’t even identify it immediately away”. “Waist swam,” Julia is not the same.

“Where is the charm?” and “The woman is beyond 50, please calm down,” netizens ask.

And we’d want to hear your thoughts, pals.


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Julia is no longer the same. On vacation, an elderly Roberts was photographed wearing a bodysuit.
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